Demo 2 released
GLX-Racing Demo » Devlog
Changelog in comparison to previously released demo:
- Timers for each car now start when countdown finishes, instead of when the car crosses the finish line. (The old practice caused situations where lap times were messed up in relation to finishing positions of the cars in the race result screen).
- Cars are overall more stable now due to multitude of fine tuned aspects of physics.
- AI is generally faster and drives more cleanly.
- AI has a stepped, slight cheat up until halfway point of the race (More details later, since this may change during the development of the game).
- Rear view mirror added with option to switch it off in menu.
- Tyre model update: turning causes less (almost none at all actually) loss of speed.
- Tyre model update: braking no longer causes understeer. Similar to other arcade games that inspired this one.
- Tyre model update: Car is less likely to tip over (esp. Tuning class cars had issues due to massive grip).
- Car and track menu now remembers previously selected items.
- Restart function added to pause menu.
- Default resolution is now set to pc’s desktop resolution instead of full hd.
- Some keys that were previously not customizable have been made customizable, including keys to look back, to reset car, to use clutch.
- Control settings now says 'waiting for input' when it's ready to read new control for a function. This makes the menu more intuitive since previously it could be confusing.
GLX-Racing Demo 73 MB
Mar 31, 2023
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